Thursday, 8 August 2013

Mosquito Repellents Can Effectively Protect From Mosquito Attacks

When going on some trips or simply going outdoors it is important to carry mosquito repellents. Mosquitoes though very tiny insects, can easily spoil one's vacation or outdoor activities. It is regarded as one of the most hated pest in the whole world that is known to breed in stagnant waters.
Not only the buzzing sound of this tiny pest is annoying but also their bite is also very dangerous. Generally when they bite people red swellings or welts develop which if scratched can cause
infections. In the worst case one can get transmitted with the deadly diseases like Malaria, Dengue, encephalitis or West Nile Virus. Every year millions of people are affected by these diseases and some die as well.
Many research works have been conducted to find out how the mosquitoes find out their victims. Researchers have come to the conclusion that they generally are attracted to the victims through the smell of their body odor, carbon dioxide and body heat, by using their radar. Many also say that these pests are also attracted by dark colored clothing and fragrances of perfumes or soaps. So to avoid being attacked by these tiny little monsters using mosquito repellent is very important.
These repellents are basically used to keep these insects away from the human vicinity. Today the market is flooded with many kinds of repellents. The chemical based repellents with the main ingredient as DEET or Picaridin which effectively wards of the insects. 

The Natural Mosquito Repellent
made from lemongrass. Citronella, eucalyptus or other essential oils are also used by many people as the chemical ones are harmful for the humans. Both the natural and the chemical based products are sold in the form of lotions, ointments and sprays. 

So when these repellents are applied on the body they generally form a thick coating over the skin which generally covers the smell of the body thus not letting the pests come near the body. Many often give off a strong odor which the mosquitoes hate thus effectively warding them off. These repellents do not kill the pests rather they keep them away. Thus they can be seen flying near the body but they will not attack. Today the electronic mosquito repellents are also very popular which are ideal for using indoors. These repellents release electromagnetic waves which kill the mosquitoes and keep the house insect free. 

The chemical ones though last for many hours at a stretch but their prolonged usage can really lead to harmful side effects. On the other hand the natural ones have to be applied every two hours but are much safer as they do not lead to any kind of side effects

Mark Rozer.

Mark Rozer is an article and blog writer who contributes his write ups to many article directories. Her articles are very unique and informative which draws in many readers. Rozer has written some really good articles on natural mosquito repellents.

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