Thursday 15 August 2013

ASUU Denies FG’s Claim Over N92bn Allowance

The Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) yesterday denied the claim by the federal government that it demanded N92billion as earned allowances in the 2009 agreement.
Apparently reacting to the claim by the minister of finance and coordinating minister of the economy, Dr Okonjo Iweala, that the federal government cannot meet the N92billion allowances being demanded by ASUU, the University of Ibadan chairman of ASUU, Dr Olusegun Ajiboye, described the claim as a lie.

It challenged the executive arm of government to publish how much it receives yearly as allowances for Nigerians to see those draining the resources of the country, just he described Dr Okonjo Iweala’s claim as a concocted falsehood and a figment of her imagination.
Ajiboye disclosed that the earned allowances jointly calculated by the government and ASUU in the 2009 agreement amounted to N87billion and covers allowances for three and half years for thousands of lecturers in Nigerian universities, a compromise figure that was scaled down from the original N127billion.   

While calling on Nigerians to rise against people who were bent on destroying public institutions, it accused Okonjo-Iweala of being an agent of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) who has been planted in Nigeria to destroy public institutions.
He explained that the N87billion naira was computed based on 15 per cent of the annual recurrent expenditure of some Nigerian universities.


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