Friday 30 August 2013

‘Don’t force pupils to learn’

The Head Teacher, Lifetrees Nursery and Primary School, Oyingbo, Lagos, Mrs. Grace Adeogun, has expressed dissatisfaction with the manner pupils are being taught in some schools.
The educationist said this while speaking on the integration of Nigerian and British curricula in Lagos on Thursday.
She noted that pupils should not be forced to learn; rather, they should be encouraged to explore and learn at their own pace.

Adeogun said, “We should not train children to learn by force but direct them to it by what amuses their minds so that they may be able to discover with accuracy their personality.
She argued that an integrated curriculum was suitable for a balanced upbringing, adding that such would allow pupils to understand and tolerate their environment both locally and internationally.
She said, “Curriculum is changing worldwide, more emphasis is now being placed on acquisition of skills as well as subject knowledge, so that students will have the ability to respond flexibly to the swiftly changing modern environment.
“Our curriculum is holistic because it meets international standards. It covers the Nigerian, British and the Montessori philosophy.The energy that can help mankind is what we try to discover.”


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