Friday 30 August 2013

Would You Rather Have Better Sex or More Money?

The list of reasons to do the deed just keeps getting longer. Medical researchers are coming forward saying that having enjoyable sex can decrease the risk of heart disease in men, increase longevity in women, decrease general pain and make you feel younger.

But, perhaps most interestingly of all, Drs. Michael Roizen and Mehmet Oz, authors of "You: Being Beautiful" (and, of
course, the pet docs of the all-powerful Oprah) are saying that upping your sexy time is like striking it rich. According to them, increasing sex from once a month to once a week creates an increase in happiness that's the equivalent of $50,000 of additional income for the average American. WHAAA?!

Can this be? And if so which would you prefer -- the sex or the money?

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